Thursday, September 19, 2013

Conversations III: My Favorite Hero

To tell you the truth I don't have any hero I look up to. I'm not really a big hero guy, who will stuck on one particular fictional o real life person and see him as a hero. I'm a fan of a few people, I'll give you that, but I don't think I would call them heroes.

Said that, I still chose a hero so as not to go like "I don't have any heroes, so I can't do this". At first I was kinda reluctant to choose this cartoon character because I thought everybody would choose him, but to hell with that I want to mention him too.

I'm talking about Gokú, especially the grown-up Gokú. First and foremost, his personality was always magnetic and he had no ego at all. Despite being the most powerful being in the world, he was always a very down-to-earth kind of guy, who would never look down on anyone. He was a very positive leader, yet he was approachable and open to learning new things. Furthermore, something I really like about him is that he had a passion. I like people who have a passion. He loved fighting, and he knew that whenever he committed to training he would always, no matter what, come up on top against any villain.

That's why Gokú is my favorite hero. Despite the fact that he is a fictional character, I'm certain he influenced thousands of children in a very positive way.

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