Saturday, December 15, 2012

English Language II: Max's Literature

Ray Bradbury (1920–2012), The United States, 1953.
 Characters: Guy Montag (fireman), Clarisse McClellan (17-year-old girl), Mildred (Montag’s wife), Betty (Montag’s boss), Faber (English Professor), Granger (exilers’ leader)
•  Genre: Novel, Science Fiction
 Reading time: 19 days (finished on July)
 Setting: Futuristic American city, 24th century
•  Pages: 46,118 words / 179 (physical book) / 76 (PDF) / 103 (EPUB) (average words per day: 2427)
•  Rate: Not Bad

  • Plot Summary
Guy Montag is a fireman who in a society which hates books, his job is not to put out fires, but to light them. Along with his coworkers, Montag seeks and burns books because they are outlawed.

One night when returning home, Montag meets a 17-year-old girl named Clarisse McClellan who, unlike his TV-addicted wife, Mildred, is willing to engage in a conversation. Her intriguing personality makes him question his perception of happiness, his job, and if books are as bad as society accounts.

Back to work but dubious about his coworkers and society's approach to books, Montag hides a book away he was supposed to burn. At home, he surprises Mildred by telling her about the book, but reluctant to keeping it, Mildred pleads with Montag to incinerate them.

Looking for support, Montag remembers Faber, a former Professor he met a year before. After having convinced him that he was not meant to burn anything from his house, Faber gives in and teaches him about the importance of literature. Then Faber gives him an earpiece communicator so that he can advise him as well as warn him about the threats he might face to.

At home, Mildred has some friends over. They watch Television and laugh over unimportant pointless stuff. Montag turns off the TV and tries to engage them into a meaningful conversation, then he shows one of his books and reads them a poem, but ends up making one of the women cry.

Afterwards, Montag goes to work where his boss, Betty, seems to be onto Montag's secret. Then the alarm goes off at the firemen station and they head to Montag's house. There he learns his wife has reported him and therefore is obliged to burn his own house. Thereafter, Montag sets fire to his boss and kills him.

Then Montag joins a group exiled book-lovers who have memorized several books so that the firemen do not chase them. Immediately after, a short but devastating war breaks out in the city, which the exilers see as an opportunity to rebuild the society reintroducing books to it.

Jules Verne (1857–1905), France, 1870
Characters: Professor Pierre Aronnax, Captain Nemo (Nautilus Captain), Conseil (Arannax’s assistant), Ned Land (Canadian harpoonist)
 Genre: Novel, Science Fiction, Adventure
 Reading time: 41 days (10/07 to 20/08)
 Setting: The seas and the Naitilus; 1867
 Pages: 99,566 words / 245 (physical book) / 192 (PDF) / 394 (EPUB) (average words per day: 2428) 
 Rate: Hard to Beat

  • Plot Summary
During the second half of the XIX century, a mysterious phenomenon takes the center of attention in all nations: numerous tales return from the seas describing an enormous, powerful creature that ruthlessly turns ships to wrecks. The United States government steps in and sets an expedition intended to trace what is suspected to be a narwhale.

Professor Aronnax, a distinguished scientist, and Conseil, his assistant, are invited on board the Lincoln frigate. After months of unsuccessful search, an immense object, namely a submarine, is sighted, which then attacks the Lincoln causing Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land, a Canadian harpooner, to be thrown off the ship. Nautilus is the name of the gigantic machine which is now the residence of the men, and there they meet the enigmatic Captain Nemo.

Arannox and Conseil are delighted with the wonders of the ocean, but Ned Land's feelings gradually grow more and more discontent with confinement. Arannox is shown the marvelous mechanics of the Naitilus, and the three men and Nemo experience many exciting adventures: they hunt in underwater forests, bump into angry primitive islanders, sail across the Red Sea, etc. However, misfortune would also fall upon the men as they have a funeral for one of the Naitilus' crew member and witness a sinking ship besieged by countless corpses.

By this time, Ned Land had entertained the idea of escaping, but his two companions would encourage him to be patient. Besides, Arannox did not wish to let his studies of the underwater just then.

Before they find a way out the Nautilus, it gets struck in underwater blocks of ice. This causes the Nautilus to run out of oxygen but escapes just in time. Later, the crew fights a bunch of gigantic octopus and one of them dies. Then, Nemo sinks a vessel intended to destroy the Naitilus. Petrified, Aronnax observes the sinking ship and his men drown. It is then when Aronnax, Conseil and Ned Land escape by means of a longboat. They end in a cost of Norway but nobody knows the fate of the Naitilus and its Captain Nemo.

Oscar Wilde (1854–1900), Ireland, 1887
Characters: Sir Simmon (the ghost), Virginia Otis, Mr. Otis (American minister), Mrs. Otis, The twins, Mrs. Unmey, Lord Canterville
 Genre: Short story, Fantasy, Comedy
 Reading time: 5 days (28/08 to 01/09)
 Pages: 12,554 words / 22 (PDF) / 28 (EPUB) (average words per day: 2510)
 Rate: Not Bad

  • Plot Summary
In spite of the threatening reputation of the Canterville Chase and the warnings of its very owner, the American Minister, Mr. Otis, does not hesitate to purchase the ancient English Mansion. As he reflects, ghosts do not exist because they cannot break the laws of Nature - and it can safely be assumed that they also rule the British aristocracy.

Indeed, the complete Otis family moves to the mansion. At first, none of them believes the ghost tales are true. However, a bloodstain on the floor brings speculation about the yet-unseen spook. Then, one night, Mr. Otis awakes to the noise of footsteps and clanking chains; he gets up immediately and goes towards the noisy nuisance. There, he meets a fearsome grey-haired ghost, and attempting to be as polite as possible, Mr Otis suggests the ghost to oil his chains.

Never in his glittering career of 300 years, had the ghost felt so utterly humiliated and insulted as now. In consequence, he commits himself to scare the family. In his first attempt, he makes an old armor fall loudly, but only to glance at the upcoming pea bullets from the playful Otis twins. He then strikes back with a horrible laughter; nevertheless, nothing but a piece of advise comes in return because he sounds undigested. None of his numerous subsequent attempts succeeds, in fact, he tests his own medicine when he is terrified at the sight of a fake ghost rigged up by the mischievous twins.

Now, the ghost seems to have given up on frightening the Otis. He disappears for some time until he is seen by Virgina, one of the Otises. She approaches the gloomy ghost, and they talk. The ghost tells Virginia he has never slept because he is afraid of the Garden of Death, adding that he needs her to pray for him so as to be forgiven.

Then they disappear mysteriously, casing his family to panic. Mr Otis desperately looks for her everywhere. However, she then reappears carrying some jewelry she has been given as a present. The story ends with the news that the ghost has happily passed away.

Algernon Blackwood (1869–1951), England, 1909
Characters: Jimbo, The Governess, The Fright, Colonel, Jimbo's mother
 Genre: Terror, Fantasy
 Reading time: - (¿?/09 to 16/10)
 Pages: 42,107 words / 137 (EPUB) (average pages per day: ¿?)
 Rating: Hard to Beat

  • Plot Summary
Jimbo, a timid 7 year-old kid, do not seem to enjoy the same activities his siblings do. His father, a retired bad-tempered colonel, do not like Jimbo's attitude, and encourages him to join his cheerful brothers and sisters in their games. However, Jimbo's attention and interest is usually beyond reality as he creates his own worlds inside his mind.

As it turns out, the colonel summons Miss Lake, a governess that is then assigned to bring his son back to "real life". Shortly afterwards, while strolling across meadows, Jimbo and his brothers tell Miss Lake about the fantastic tales involving "the Empty House", a inhabited dwelling not far from their house. Then, with the intention to weaken Jimbo's imagination, the governess says that nothing but bad things happen inside it, and that children should stay away from it. This frightens Jimbo so much that starts to think of the Empty House as a scary place.

After that, Jimbo goes on a stroll but accidentally trips, hitting his head and falling unconscious. However, unconsciousness is only an excuse to make his imagination more vivid. Thus, he learns he is imprisoned inside the Empty House, where he sees Ms Lake, but he does not remember anything from her. She almost always accompanies Jimbo warning him of the house owner. However, when he is left on his own, dreadful kids appear to whisper a creepy song to him.

After some time of confinement, Jimbo feels that his back hurts. Ms Lake tells him this is because he will develop wings. When this happens, Lake spreads out her wings and encourages Jimbo to try out a flight. On the sky, Jimbo experiences all sort of amazing emotions and adventures as they go flying every night.

When the time comes for his final flight to freedom, Jimbo rushes up towards the moon. But since he feels something approaching from below, he decides to keep going up and up. In this way, he awakens moving his arms wildly on a bed surrounded by a doctor and his mother who is happy to see him regain consciousness.

Kenya Wright (1977), The United States, 2012
Characters: MeShack, La La, Zulu, Jay, Wallace
 Genre: Fantasy, Short Story
 Reading time: 14 (17/10 to 31/10)
 Pages: 23457 words (Three first short stories) (average words per day: 1675)
 Rating: Hard to Beat

Cage View is a collection of five short stories by the American author Kenya Wright. Each one of them is narrated from the point of view of different characters. Therefore, this collection serves the purpose of being a prequel to Fire Baptized, a novel released a few months after Cage View that features the same characters of the aforementioned Collection of short stories. 

All the five stories are set in Santeria habitat, a caged city located somewhere near Miami inside of which live the supernaturals. Categorized by humans, the supernaturals are labeled into four species by embedding brands in their foreheads: a full moon for Vampires, a crescent moon for Shifters, a pair of wings for Fairies, an X for Mixbreeds. They are not humans, but their appearance is alike, and they can transform into the monsters they carry inside of them.

Love lost, Love found
Characters: MeShack, La La, Fiona (MeShack's mother), Joe (Vampire pimp)
MeShack's mother Fiona has been missing for long time. Therefore, MeShack, along with La La, set off for the brothel where his mother works. Once there, a co-worker of Fiona tells both MeShack and La La she has not been coming to work, and urges them to advise Fiona to escape from Joe, the bossy pimp to whom she subordinates. These statements cause MeShack to assume there is a monetary issue involved in the state of affairs. Shortly afterwards, MeShack discovers his mother's corpse and gets committed to taking revenge. In spite of La La's attempts to persuade MeShack not to take revenge, he ignores his friend's advice. Clouded by anger and hate, MeShack tracks down Joe, and kills him in a violent manner, ripping his body to shreds with rage.

The Heart Ripper's Song
Characters: Zulu, Lanore (La La), Ray, Nona, Tango
Zulu and his mates Jay and Nona go after drug dealers in Jay's Van. This time it is Tango their target, a drug dealer who had paid the police officers to keep the area free of competition. When sure there is no cops around, Zulu gets off the Van and faces up Tango. Although he had been warned not to do it, Zulu kills Tango by ripping off his heart. Later, they go to a Club where Zulu meets Lanore. They dance but Lanore seems to be rather mad at him because of the way Zulu behaves when approaching his problems. Some time later they go tracing a vamp gang of drug dealers and burn down the place where they manufacture the drugs.

The Vicious Circle
Characters: Lanore, Wallace, Zulu

Kenya Wright (1977), The United States, 2012
Characters: Lanore, Zulu, MeShack, Roxy, Ben, Ray, Nona, Dante, Gabe, Goldie, the Palero
 Genre: Urban Fantasy, Romance, Horror
 Setting: Caged city in Miami and its different districts
 Reading time: 33 (01/11 to 04/12)
 Pages: 62900 words (average words per day: 1906)
 Rating: A whole new kind of reading experience

  • Plot Summary
In a caged city called Santeria where all kinds of supernatural beings struggle to survive day by day, Lanore is a young woman who has the power to manipulate fire. One day on her way back from college she witnesses the murder of a woman in an alley, causing her to shake in fear as she runs away.

At home she regrets not having helped the defenseless woman and tells her flatmate and lifelong friend, MeShack, about what has happened. They look into the murdered woman's identity and learn she was a strip-dancer and that she has a kid, so they go to her apartment and take the abandoned kid, Ben, with them. Then Lanore turns to Zulu for help in tracing the killer. Accompanied by Ray, her bodyguard, Lanore goes to the brothel where the woman worked. There, Roxy, a waitress, gives them information regarding the brothel regulars, one of which Lanore thinks is the killer. After Lanore and Ray split up, she bumps into Ray's body ripped apart in her apartment.

As it turned out, the killer was committed to offering the 7 Gods of Santeria a corpse. Thus, another murder takes place, so, in despair, Lanore investigates further and learns that the killer is one of the children of a murderer who also massacred several people 10 years before, and she gets shocked when she discovers that one of them is Roxane, the waitress from the brothel. Immediately after, she calls Roxy's boss Goldie to warn him he may be the next victim. However, the person who answers happens to be Roxy and admits she is the killer.

Lanore rushes to Goldie's home hoping to prevent Roxy from killing him, but she arrives too late. Then, as Roxy wanted Lanore to be the next victim, she kidnaps Ben to oblige Lanore to give herself up. Consequently, Lanore interchanges herself in return for Ben and soon later faints. When she wakes up, she finds herself trapped with another girl. They cooperate and the two of them fight against Roxy, and with Lanore's fire, Roxy is burned to death.

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