Thursday, September 25, 2014

Vidas e Instituciones: Glossary

US The new deal (1933-36): A series of programs created by Democrat president Franklin D. roosevelt intended to protect citizens from business.

US The Supreme Court:

US System of checks and balances:

US Electoral College: System through which people vote electors, which in turn choose the president.

US Charter schools: schools to which the government has given moeny and special permission to operate but are operate by parents, companies, etc., rather than by the public school system.

US Magnet Schools: schools that are located in black neighborhoods, but are intended to attract white students and thus achieve a greater integrationg between students of different races.

US affirmative action: the practice of setting aside places in universities specifically for blacks and other minorities in order to make up for past discrimination.

UK Canvassing: The activity the canvassers do, and in which they interact with people and see what their voting intention is. They rarely make any attempt to change people's minds, but if the latter are undecided they'll might try to pay them a visit. Canvassers often offer transport to supporters, and this is the only material help they're allowed to offer voters.

UK The returning officer: the person responsible for the conduct of the election in each constituency.

UK Freeloader: someone who arranges to get food, drink and other benefits without having to pay for them. Expensive flights, and five-star hotels are examples of politicians being freeloaders.

UK Freedom of Information Act: a law that entitles people too demand informatio held by public bodies.

UK The Whips: The Whips are people whose job is to make sure the message gets passed down from the party to the MPs. They act as intermediaries between the backbenchers and the frontbechers.

UK Frontbenchers and Backbenchers: Frontbenchers are the leading politicians of the governing party and the opposing party. MPs who are not in the Cabinete or in the Shadow Caninete are the backbenchers.

UK The sixth form: The pupils who are studying beyond the age of sixteen.

UK Justices of Peace: one of the twelve people that are requested to perform in a trial and judge an accused.

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